Posts Tagged ‘Nat King Cole’

NANETTE NEWMAN – Actress and author – When I Fall in Love by Nat King Cole

August 11, 2011

I think music more than anything else can evoke a memory, a moment or an emotion, and it can send you travelling back in time to the place where you first heard it, or the person you heard it with. It can produce a vivid recollection of something special, either happy or sad.
I have many musical reminders of things, some connected with my children or grandchildren, or friends, some that make me laugh or want to cry, but perhaps the one that has always brought back happy thoughts and happy times is Nat King Cole singing ‘When I Fall in Love’.
The very first time I heard it was with Bryan. We were celebrating our first wedding anniversary. We were in Los Angeles and we’d been invited to hear Nat King Cole in concert. We were given ringside seats and I gather someone had told him it was a special night for us because not only did he dedicate ‘When I Fall in Love’ to us, but he sang it to me. It was one of those fabulous moments you never forget. So I’m sure you’ll understand why Bryan and I have always regarded it as ‘our song’. Whenever I hear it today I am reminded of that occasion and memories come flooding back of the many happy times we’ve spent together since.
They Can’t Take That Away from Me: Musical Memories That Colour Our Lives